Manchester Evening News from Manchester, Greater Manchester, England (2024)

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Manchester Evening Newsi

Manchester, Greater Manchester, England

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MISCELLANEOUS SALES MISCELLANEOUS SALES MISCELLANEOUS SALES Manchester 3o Bar Wednesday June 17 1970 FOR TELE-ADS RING 832 9191 MOD DOUBLE DIVAN BtL) luxury IS LARGE PACKING CASES Tele eib10: Jffr" I766 7702 i umnmni Lid only iei ual 4939 phone A In 5194 or 652 1142 MEDIUM PEDIGREE PRAM used 3 SIB LAWN MOWER- 14in 2-Ktroke jyntAU walnut finish: MISCELLANEOUS WANTS MISCELLANEOUS WANTS nantfome as new Mm 224 8126 KS "iAn145 00uld deliver Bell months- Bath and Stand Pram Seat new Baby Chair Swing and Stand LUXURY HCB PRAM ic CANOPY FIBRE GLASS IMITATIAM Id IxIOSSOP 3309 llso COT: £12 S7fl 7t9Q after 4 nm FULL-SIZE BUNK BEDS also Coffee CARRYCOT A STAND 630: COT A COOKERS Fridges Gas and Electric rtlr r-'l 224 4252 evas K2: DroViv i-gsr £4- ntyROPEAN a UaiUHjnHini irii as new tt-ici ftKi -axn HIGHEST PRICES for Disc Clothing in good cond 740 5312766 5160 CASH IMMED: Fridges Grains Ckrs lelephone 973 9459 any time TWIN TUB WASHER or Automatic prices slashed: immediately delivery Garvin 119 WithinQton Road Whnllpv Rnnofi Tel JS 4U11 auTws aiAia LAKriTi l8(n never iisi ui-rrnr £ia ts 1177 mmm -wHr lPi 1148 wtd I Grant anytime B81 7631 CASH TODAY FLRMfURE Cookers tr lot 427 3328 aiiv time HOOVERMATIC TWIN TUB Washers GEC FRIDGE very good cond: £15: no d-nlers Telephone 865 5169 SMALL DEEP FREEZE WANTED Tel wirn heaters £1710 £2210 and isevr Buirn beds: de luve? full Ie- LARGE CABIN TRUNK wanted Tel 'JS 0131 Mlincrpvi Aun us-a mo -u iup-cnnuTH model £30 ioison Telonhnnf ft OBI evenfnns PHt 1 75 Pnki trr: niiroain: £23 del KODIns Telenhnna on zin CHILDREN'S CYCLES wanted also £5 OFFERED for Billiard Table orl FOOTS OAK STEAM Vapour Batll IlkVBts LnARM BRACELET £13: firt Tel 748 8496 trills 11SW lbs Tel 236 6556 URGENT ELEC COOKER: good cond nerfert: £25 Lee 881 1448 iarnon1 ami RIby Engagement! uatnet nenv heater can be seen working genuine bargain £25: buyo collects Tel 773 5733 NORTH SEA GAS FIRE COOKER £25 earh lav Teleohone 7Q-J 4S87 tveAiino Ring RAMSB0TT0M (Great Britain) ttouin cullRCl li-l 973 5112 FURNITURE BOUGHT: spot cash iinin mil 11 22U 2428 nny time 201 SINGER Flectrtc Sewing Machine URGENT Swallow Twin Push Chair: qiiuri londltion Tel 439 5381 CATHEDRAL ANTIQUES AND GAL-LhKILS 74 Viitoria Street Man- li-sti-r 3 between CKthi-drnl Ot DuUe St Bridge: get the right price for Antique Furniture Painting Apply before CENTRAL Heatinq BoBers nmed ENGLISH FOREIGN LOINS lull HvdeT Ches N- JK- 1 in taoie leic-pnone 368 2537 HOOVER KyimaWc: all white grntd £53 Mr Und HEA 3367 rree-standfnq Parkray 55 £30 and nnces nam HitocK poy 'isas COINS 5- PIECES collection wtd: iV? 3a SKV3 iei iimpsons 203 HOOVE RMATIC: brand new £55 Mr Silver Jeweller Telephone 834 uip prices naiu ici khi 5759 or 775 si id SMALL SAFE WANTED also tire una INDESIT Sup'r Auto: new £50: all CANNON GAS COOKER: 4 burners BSOKuni iron GATES Fenrlna and Hirniture: direit from Prices: gate alfd measure many de-igns: free fitting and deliven- Tei MAZEL BUYS Modern TVs Grams aDMet HI 372 MOD COOKERS und Gas Fires Wtd 'JLSSS- BEND IX TUMBLE' DRVMm i Jru also Main puintet Gas Fire In lovely teak hnish £20 both North Sea gas Tolson telephone 973 6981 tirnetiiiv fur Lash Trl 973 7697 WASHERS Grams frfrluu TVs lire: REFRIGERATED DISPLav r-niiuv-KB iiir iirirns invcn ib'VI Oraans fcrho Units ere etc: -Ivl0 792 4M7 Cameras A lqulpment: bring down JS condition: spot ash paid: Urye amount collc- Am2iTn: Id 28 KhJ faz: Radio 122 li8 London "ARNALL Srmi-auromsfic lasher: ui 1 t-i 1 ot -s-kas iorkina npr- ric rvn taa ricta stainless steel display area: over 17S0 washers TVs Gas Urn: any NOCULAKS AT REDUCED PRICES Ilyhtlng also minn: we ran now f-1 234 8126 uoaiey 2 bnuaeMU 834 9432 REFRIGERATORS wanted: working or jural ror groc er confertioner Telephone Mr Gee to 6 pm (Sat 5 pmj Closed Wed JNPyTRAL SEWING uti i "tbv 1 nnv rinvak iiiir I eii-ntiine 24 1741 COOKERS BOUGHT TODAY Divan 1 '2b '5'0 nnv lime SELF-EMPLOYED UPHOLSTERER has WHITE LACE WEDBimr twkk w-y'snionea Keqenty Lounqe suites BENDIX WASHING MACHINE: vvorkinq orvler £20 PRE 2112 1 5ft 5ft £510 793 WANTED MODERN FRIDGE add Heudon-M and Veil £10 36b 38Ji: 4- Cr1a Elertrfc Fire gJod cond Call any nignt after 6 pm 20 uioa ana anaoow velvets: all nigh-class workmanship: save pounds "jK'r aii iui JtlO Tel 7S 4743 CASH IMMED: Masher Grains Gas 1 moo evns BABY'S COT excellent condition £5 patterns available lining 90 1 EQUIPMENT Tickets LATEST FRIGIDAIRE 800 Fridge cost f46 EceS 52: Main 1 jviiinnr vr nroaaneatn' RESTMOR Pram brown and white Pram Seat A Cape 30a 881 27-77 2 STANDARD TYPEWRITrnc ca CASH ON THE SPOT AND GUARANTEED WEIGHTS whether you deliver or we collect SCRAP METAL MEANS SILVERMANS Morville Street Works oooKiers and Cards: 50000 permutations best prices: express delivery CLARE GABIES 5t AVne i in jt-i q75 I4V1 any time WANTED MINK COAT or JACKET I -i' li'ionp All 1404 OCELOT nr Leopard Coats: will pay to 1 -l-plnm- ALT 1464 FUR COATS WANTED Ocelot iMinr siiirrrl 'l'l AfT 14o4 INDIAN LAMB or PONYSKIV COAT jiun a was ooker used ic "uiui ue etc cost £63 each: exdlnt cod Tel 792 2339 after E--- nwni ia ouw 031-207 will acrepi t3B Tel Jones 962 a inn J1BJ' SHOWER UNITS FITTED WaUi 51b winffl I elephniiu ALT 1464 AFT 6INS WALNUT rtrKi LAMPS BURNING OUT 7 Change to Gov ment recommended antimonopoly i-amps: guaranteed 2000 hours 4(1 vv hthv 74w inn xa itv nnrin irir iei 973 1250 DEXION UPRIGHT per foot rJL tltan interior 19 ring i ono Tel 873 Exchange Electrirs '89 Great Ancoats Off Adair St off Gt Ancoats St NEW n'st of 5: bar- rru or mrn Laf2' l'-6- vivrnda 773 6291 MUST II SOID! Six Saddle-amied jcicpiiuiic ua a 1 ig uxi iib Miirtr itds brand new RADIATOR SHELVES various types o-piece suites eiuh covered in wrougni iron nut iramed olate ala hnnrii vnr wiicwi iii iratnerciotn a 10-1 cushioned Suite artistically buttoned throughout: seeinu k-Vi-V ASTERIX (France) E'fL610 -S-e iSn Exchange but m-riirui-d (loTtilng spccialis-in 'lei 20a 3703 SINGLE PHASE lndiisfriil or Chimney st--n's lx'iniion oiiiiim Clcuner I-Vii'mii: OM-4'7 2785 ANTIQUES WANTED LAWNDORE I I Kin-i Srreet West Man- i'i-ifr telephone BLA 3675 DISCARDED CLOrHING IOLljtl I "11 l-L PHK'IS UrKFAVHMFNTS I' -l'liM'i Curlnins IVtM) 44S 8537 DISCARDED CLOTHING BOUGHT Ill 1-141 rMFN I PKOMPI Al'IfcV 138:5 AN TIM FURNITURE wanted: 1 buy anv'hinq: til und new: house clearances linTivments Telenhnne 226 47' WANTED Overed Button and liuiUe nun in wme red ix-uut design ncr £14 -io- cun del Lee GAT 8423 VONO BEDSETTEE good cond 2 J-ireside Chairs: 1 halt-wiig: all £10 ono- Tel 437 5303'5347 hf 5 pm PHIL1SHAVE ELECTRIC RAZOR £3: Vry Largo OH Bnjding Box £3: -neeinam Mill Koad icicpuune iiACKiriarS 4259 suite £123 wi" sell for £58 Tele-1 FRED PYE SON METAL MERCHANTS Head Office and Works nnone layior Aih nnix LA5 SI io0 spots £25: 9in BOWEND COT ft MAT l'RFSS i'lJ a jew Gtc Woods 73 5xh 7 -core 3-anm LADY'S GOLF CLUBS: 3 irons 2 BATH Pit AM TRAY £110 0: Triang ROCKING HORSE 30 0: THE ANTIDOTsf TWlT A HAIR nKxlify 6ETAFtCVAY Alien west 6C1 5hP Starter ad cond £24 Tel wood bag gloves and can perfect ronH: S7A Tui jjg zx 544 STOCKPORT HI) LONGSIGHT Silver ross DOLL'S TROIIEY WEDDING DRESS: i-iu 91 64-PIECE SOCKET WrVnrti ielephone 23 5241 1 2 "I'o MIN DISCOUNT: Shave unusixl biirnain £5 Sylvenda 773 "j1" Train Bust 34 £7 ono Telephone 5M mon i-niiiiiery Jies and Moull Tel 740 UNION ST OIF CLAREMONT RD i owners irons Kettles Food Mixers Hair Dryers Curlew Spin THIRTT 1 -metre sections of AGA COOKER: good condition: offered He'SABiTHAae-BXAIKED j( SOMETIMES I jfQMdkj 1 COOKERS FRIDGES FIRES VCS liy 126 4li01 evos 881 6233 i irvfn rrpe nn exch for disfnattXng and Tcmnviri AX7 xnas on Radios Televisions Grains tape Recorders 'Mling brands stocked liiuwi it an rirnna DNnuiv "flnCTSf" Wlth and light fitting ran be sold as a whole or as Individual pieces alM a number of Umber and gla- display PANTAX SUITCASES Nrst of -V I MUSQUASH MARMOT ami Beaver 'alsi wanted good price Tel '-riri-wviyiii muuilim bot: luiusecii phone 832 Tele BW- PPy staines wanted All kinds ot turn: prompt SOLRAY COAL EFFECT El trie Fire twined in teuk-bnMied wood: ail jvm inn hiuiiuiiii co Ltd 1 03 lyrairmam atuninester a B5Z 3892 SEWING MACHINES rm-niiiin Biven iei 224 7024 80 Vi)4 and 224 5732 CASH NOW: I riiifii-s Washers Grims NEW CUTLERY 50 ni-rn WASHING MACHINES: banknmt hire I "ittinn Machines eft 973 7y7 uZ Jucnines: ramous new-Home Mdchines: service to all makes KlSHOLVr (side of Sherwood Public House) -If-lf-phonn 224 5124 458 ASHTOV NEW ROAD Telephone 223 3711 25 RICE STREET OIF IIVIRFOOL ROAD 'telephone 834 9171 190A SHREWSBURY STREET BROOKS'S BAR Telephone 226 5636 THE OLD SMITHY BROWN" STRUT ALi RINCHAM 'telephone 928 3427 NO STUPID PRICES OFIERID JUST A TRUE MARKET PRICE AND GUARANTEED WEIGHTS iiiivifiiie 3-PIECE SUITE hmu-n v- purrnase repossessed from £710 all makes Hoover Hotpolnt Acme etc JriIten suarantee): gen bgns Open niHh cnB Shop 125 SyilfJ? Stf Swans ia-u vo3d cond' £15- 368 38 i niter 4 nm nBiAN lami ami PONVKIV rojts tiii iiiii lunigiu an day Saturday Fxrhunne Srtlerooins 426 Hyde Road -o-nece hmte red and Mark iicm uunuu iei 4470 inuqut-iw space wanted ur'ienllv Tel i ion anicu HOOVER KEVMATIC JiS mon- limn 12 months old 4- lxuiKji? buitf and flnld (o-kart 'p Ltimn 28f8 SECOND-HAND wniLD BIKE 14 fnme n-ith REMOVAL: large Dress Table £4: I aiuiw-rv never need used £15 Tel OFFICE FURNITURE Cjib wringer 950: two Gdn Chairs £1 Linen Bqx 150: Rer Chair jff flra-r pm FIRE'LACI for sale blark and nH5 EA2i3ET5 to 9 15 0: oak Bed Ends CI: three new I URNITURE WANTED URGENTLY: 111111if1111lf! rHkli 'li-l AKIJ 25:52 trim suit Baxi £5 lei ivir cnairs siooi DU oak Robe -if-ia'- tj to 33 VBIFS trnm 30 fUPBOATrTiS BOOKCASES onie nour S3 nrw rSKie Lnair £3: wal TV' Table 300: Screen 10 PARKINSON COWAN PRINCE tour WANTED 2-whrr BIKE for boy f'ilj vr oId: aood lei DID wirier eF-ievei grill pi nect con Bedrm Cpt Pieces C5: Aladdin l-LAN CHESTS All fcfZl anH nrtrmm FARMERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS 1III1U Kl I 11a 4 1 on Htr £4: coffee Table by Comm £3: Food Unit 25 -'0: Lawn Mower isna servis Suner Iwi tlc tit ALFREDO (Denmark) FURNITURE WANTED urgrntA7top fier iirarer: t43: as new aU-'O or t4U tne lot 840 3789 INCUBATOR BROODER WANTED 350 SAFES FROM £9 TTFor "A finest Selection visit WITHY GROVE STORES Fun iiuim-M i leureo: single nemt Mm Airiquefc 483 5714 any lei 48o 5 2:1 2 GRASS CUTTER £3 '5: A Record GIBBS HENSHALL CARPET SALE 1 1 Uo 276 fHiyer £9 '10- Porket R- Tel iX? 44m aftrnr 1 nn 5353 bVtKK H4KliAI HIT ED FREE 35 WTTHY GROVg Mfc 4 834 8768 CASH OR CREDIT LOW DEPS iLttTROLUX DISHWASHER for MORRIS METALS tlsli ltnyiti hi nil St HAP METAL 1 FISHING SHOOTING WANTED S00 LIGHT FITTINGS: biggest show in jail: to dear only £18 telephone art roam Da tn -loom szod sq yd AXVIINSVER loom 39 6d so sa iiiirs ww 'riii-111 I 64i 3656 nr 7h6 4765 after me: urra oaK 3-lIgllt £4'196: wrounht-iron Xllaht ar SiunM WEDDING DRESS ami eil: S4in Mm Kir unei tmn to an area! at nilt period 3-light £6196: dozens bust white vitin with Spanish 27in VV1LTOV now 241 Id yd 2iin Axminster 24'1d Jk 29'lld yd: 12i't heavy duty patterned Wilton 5year uuarantee 55- sq yd Ask our lleo WANTED Air KlU PistulS bttotpuns Kofe 93 Plonadillv Tel CEN 294V i ni r- iiwer: srg a hi uum i TROPICAL FISH TANK: itil stand to call day or niuu GIKIt ii iiiiiiis neater etc £12 ono lelenliuiif 7fif 4f4r FURNITURE WANTED Full ir I'nt Hoiisk beriHvcmrnts 70ljijvi'nliinsj4i552 HENSHALL 72 Mosley St (opp Mcl 21V uniournaoie prices- s-nuiit fattings from £5196: 100 single-pendant fittinqs: choice of 50 designs wtiII lights all In period or modern In new fabulous designs: raunints clubs catered tor: 1000 lamp shades: every conceivable MISCELLANEOUS SALES OIL PAINTINGS tor sale: reasonable Art oaiieryi ut- 5073 Upin every wrier: will deliver to oosc Tel day mi- wen ami vi tul 6 FURNITURE WANTED iriii -'(iiix nm- rimi MAHOG I xt 'I a hie £5: dark nuihoci SECONDHAND THREE-PIECE SUITE riiow in oroer: spot lights we nik veiv lop inne: siHit cash GAS FIRE SALE Prices stashed Save norcn lights: 80 table lamp and ilniiiiiientai Cub bidelHMifl 112: seat fruite £6 Tel Hhi 2o50 £1 1 alvj odd Wardrobe- Dressinri "i h'-n-iivenieiits etr 834 iiuor sranuara nioaeis: do sen our jiiMe inesi odd Setters from £5 ui n-j j)0 evcnin'IN: iiioitey compare these priifx-: NEW-HOME Clipper £15 '19 6 ROBINSON Willey I ireiiem £21 '10 niiuns Dc-rare roil decide At 89 Gt rien vtjiies ti'ia Oldham St M'c TAN-SAD FOLDING PRAM with dei'ii tiiibln budy nivy' white excel sireet to pm daily InrI mcklurti so- Pill iii OLIVETTI OFFICE TYPEWRITER 151n Ciirriaui' c0d condition £10 Tel I These and many other raih baroainsl all brand new and fully rond £8 onn Tel GIonmip 417 after 6 30 pin uiiiiirair ma 4 ciieetnam Hfll Rd to 6 pm closed Sat Sun 10 am to 83 EM-RGY SXHfXT 52 341D a win iciepnone HLA 4259 in illl Ulllf Itu 10 PIIONF COL 1947 HIGH LEVEL CAS COOKrll £8: Gas nuaranrecii riKt sl khui'mjs Clover nnd Be Modern Gas TROPICAL FISH TANKS double 1 ridoe £4: Gent Crrle as new Fire Surrounds 23 per cent (5- in nu ami equipment jll Tel TfNTeD: Trolleys Cnts Baby vilkcrn Trievdes Kiddies Toy £10 Ladies' £7100 Telephone UDI-UU 3431 792 4082: Mr Bradley niei viiiiurs i-n collected ANTIQUE DINING TABLE beautiful BEDROOM SUITE beaut cond: cost nir nm lyirpncilic 2U3 41 09 condition Evgs 881 7127 no 189 new will accept £40 let Pliii MARCAN SALES CO NORTH'S 0LY FIRE SURROUND CENTRE the off list BUY AND SAVE LIMITED 121 PRINCESS ROAD MC 14 also 491 CHEETHAM HILL RD MC 8 Open Mon-Frl 9 30 to 6 30 Saturday 9 30 to 5 30 nriiers jones Z3G 78 io 9 am to a pm CASH NOW I TEA AND COFFEE Chrome Water MOTHERCARE Fully ColUpFflNn Navy nil- inurirrii Himu furniture plus NOT A WORD (Spain) Boiler suit cafe etr cheax Tel 748 I'lll VM IO: BPlill CJAt-iE £1 anaa ami Has 3316 5 Exc DRIS1NG TABLE (no i uji tuer 3 30 pm FURS WANTED: ii FEW HOOVER -ELECTROLUX Van min-nrl IlA lei ixt ilfll fajj Clover Focal Point below list See the full nanM nn ELECTRIC FOOD SLICER gravity wiii 1 3 1 iu an guaranteed Tel Mr I CARPETS CARPETS mil i IIITii'I-s lii'Menllv nm Fur fnai ill iiri Aia ikx i display immediate free delivery jiiv iiind: will piiy up ro £600 lor VICTORIAN DISPLAY CABINET ri- id 40 unuoed Food Counter lu I r-price £40: 11X1 Fridge 15 cu A Pin ti I a xAn-s 'iiii-li iiiiiTfi renian x-imb odiiney at ixinosiglit Manchester i ku uin auau MEN'S CASUAL SLACKS 291 Id Open Monday-Saturday 10-6 31 Tib Street Manchester 2 I UTI4 or 3til OLD CIOLD SILVER JEWELLERY lllillll-lllfls Allllflll I iiw 111 SALE DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC TOMORROW Thursday June 1-3 Time 1 1 to 3 EVENING SiVLE 6 to 8 pm rarli iuiw sand most sizes OSNaTH pram urn jmiiuc rond txtrds £18 0110 Tel Miiurire 484 (huetnam Hill Rd 8 740 3124 Im'ii i I nnitl mi- I'iiinliiius BOUGHT (ipjir punts 5 "nhileiiiiii Visits nnvwhere FOR SALE 2 Pirkor Knoll Fireside 061-834 1831 ngTPBiNT SUPERMATIC 6 mths1 is 11 VllltHS AMIOUCS hairs niatrhlnn small 2-seitcr settee rharroal nrey: flood comiitioa £15 Tel lottinetnn 2il8 oiu guaranteed £45 Mr ild HEA At rhe VtlLTOX HALL 244 DEANSGATE Williams Stock Dis- powrU twve just reveived £3000 to I unnii aic 4 Ubl-834 56K0 MODERN DINING-ROOM SHITE by 3-SEATER DRYER Bank black and wb wopui of carpets Iran some I I FURNITURE WANTED oc tiwaM'i largest Mills and Ware tonehill £40: boy BiiTdes suit 9 to 13 years £9: Twin Tub Washing Machine £25 lei 773 4483 evgs houses: all stocks are- nenv hut I vln orren £220: Huk Unit black and gold with two I opal sinks inc-1 pluinbing £150 as I lVV for dumdaed or surplus to manufacturer's I THE HALF LAMB SWOP: SEll'lV'BDT new I I'l ODo UOZ contracts ana win be offered direct to ix- ii niiuiit apot cash III JJ( 3648 or 43a 7468 GAS FIRES Gas Miser Plus £55 tne (Tusmr a vraonon ot me actual cost LOTS OF CARPETS at £4 Demonair £14 Carribbean £10: lFUViEiRIES IX SVLE VRMSTON ARb4S OV lHL'MilVY Al'ftriV 14b MOUNT ROAD fORTOV MC 18 TULERHONB 223 09J8 cacti 4 yo utKrars £8101 an greaiiv reduced: many morn to tiHJiwe irom 1 Olson S7o 6981 WITH AM EVENING NEWS vjyn 9X4 yd OARPETS £14 EACH: AXA1INSTBR WHiLTON IND1VV AND VUVRIOUS OTHKR CLOSING SALE Stills Cale Boiler PARKINSON PRINCE 2 Gas Cooker: VICTORIA ANTIQUES Khv tiiiia I'litureH Jnwellcrv Silver nverpiute Old Kiimittire Weapons oins Ivories Tel call of write 60 imi'i MillMite Kidf of Victoria Mition Telephone BLA 9575 ii -iivta ne nave tne ctieaoest Aintree Prini esa Geyser bath gas in I exi: cond 2 glass counter Show-1 cases 15 Stools (wood! small gas CLASSIFIED auip immeni Magitrol eh" £30: also 1969 New World 34 eye-level will 3 burner as new: £1710 Tolson telephone 973 b981 VrXvJSH'-1ASWA1'J6 racicrv ini rei ware AX1UUL91XH 3 xci inunnmi 4D4 alter pm 864 MISCELLANEOUS SALES MISCELLANEOUS SALES MISCELLANEOUS SALES MISCEUANEOUS SALES ser vibes for ths home LIVE LUXURIOUSLY NOW Install tFTD CARPETS: choose at home: no X-nce SUITE £6: can deliver Tele- OUTDOOR SEWING MACHINES all types: buy or rent Z24 Z41o AUSTIN BEDROOM SUITE good con 1000 CARTONS 23 23 16 Tel Blinds Drains Oil-ftntl Central Heating don't d-p terms 11 766 61 OO any time s'iirt paytnq till Ortohei 1 we are BERNINA SEWING MACHINES Shell appointed instiilk-K conversions sales and Service Centre Bomber to oil aru a speciality Don't delay ivi R-oent Rd Saltnrd TRA 1246 teleolirine now l-dtvards Heitinu tvikhiditidc a uMt Mirrors Removals tHAIiK 8361 SOILED 5-gJil Fohrthene DRITAI3: 51 one llnlutlitiou Bi clKlon chenp must seH 740 4999 Upholstery French Polishing is your cycle safe 7 not phc mmmmihiibI Woiiste Cycle Denot at PEN 192 951 "TD Outhty Venetian en Tel 736 171S alter 6 pm MIRROR RESILVERING New Mirrors Cntre 418 Cheetliain Hill UiKid poitinle £1 3 Christie" Tin' Cornora- WASHABLE TROUSERS 796: In most BEDROOM SUITE Carpets Gas iiiiiua iiirubureo una ntted free: 1 26 1 REUPHOLSTERY EMERGENCY DRAINS UNBLOCKED 7-iliiy week ill districts nrids toilets manholeti nnwenil machines rJervire: estimate a11 iomiinson'1 uiissworks Mancni-ster Telephone 740 6J07 tkin Om-n Sat 5 Dm 834 8560 per cent ilisrnunt: also Laundry Cooker Gas Miser etr reasonable imriii iim 90 IO ve ijjrts 4iZ 9373 nriees Tel Hevwonil 68488 CARPETS: visit the oliiin -net tibmrv: iu i tirernneya iine Mic 15 day or iifulit Cminpinn Crab ftuauj bcvensnuinie Tels 224 6437 437 2963 anwuif Stunton St I 'ree Humohries 4 I VmnAnhn pj sues e-ee e-vvapret reraonai t-C REMOVALS PaSett 95 BRAND NEW CARPET 5yds Syt mnAT offeKwV Will iiVw'JrVT licKfroalS FRs'feI432 7491 132 recover your suits frm iSfr ll5HTVWI Jc I el'iliiiiin 22u 4tiSo am to 4 XI) HAYTERETTE 18in ROTARY TYPEWRITERS FOR RENTAL ili-oimis The House Carpetti jmw nueiuin uuo 210l MINI MOVERS tmii utter 5 Ml pin 962 ftoSS or RESILVERING: old mirrors converted All makes in stork Free rtellverv KM l'V'' MOWTR: cost E42 accept £18 Te 834 4168 oinu Broadstone Koad Stockport ciillectinn Free maiiteiinnVe Mlt "JEES new oeveuinq framing etc new mirrors tn siyi: imm in FOR BALE Lorn Brark WIG: cost terms REGENT uiT a urini I 19a Clifford Street PCf TTtni I LIGHTWEIGHT SUITS from £1219 GIBBS STORES8 'wTu FIMS? Jn Fennel Coiuni ENCiLANII ITI1 Prliieacal AAMOUNT SHORT NOTICE ft Call 48 Cheetham Hill Rd or 24-nour EMERGENCY DRAIN I leiirinn: no needless digging rlec-Iric-al ntiirhines toilets finds nian- £20: wiH atn-ept £8 or exchange lor Street Manr hester2 Vlniind I own ciinhiu 2E- SJnmS22l Building Repairs tady's bike Tel SbZ 5H44 Hall) Tciepiione ClNtral 724 1 1 T- i ii In HOOVER JUNIOR ldiM model: as 'VT' toy lane new with tools: £15 cobt Coo uu uui-i-jt i)i nm 7737 SEALED ROOFING IHI HK90: telling Pest Control "Rorlidnie 31612 frer 5 30 uin in it imi-i nnuinqaie aic 1U MEGOMETER £10: also 1783 Vol and Helrf ii Tfr-UUllU Bnu corapieyr boi Telephone 865 2806 Electricians POLISHED ASPHALT FLOORS 223 I- iiv V' -SmiV'-j ami wi: sin 14: cost twj accept Aiv Ladies Magazine what offers 7S 2II SHOP EQUIPMENT: SCAI1IS Sllisers Display Kelri'ieraiion etr: rental or HP ni- Oil 1-4 7 724i RAEL BROOK SHIRTS RCDITITI Berfeiis noniiiillv jti 60 NOW Vtll MMIIKT 484 Cheethun Hill Knid Mllli heeler 7411 3330 AN ROT AND CO IJrs Hot Wet 4ii nir i ys ijdtniirsr 6t MIC 18 BARBERS REMOVAL STORAGE rKHiuiiisiinu igjj Tel IrLO 4'l il rLi iinineniBte surveys reason- GARAGES BUILT: Uvw iHmt Hifimes BED WARDROBE and Dressing Tahle HAND-TAILORED SUITS OWli MATERIAL MADE-UP fittings faantWitrbed eilnes we will call and measure llirry Showman 50 Great Durie Stn-et Manchester 5 'lei 834 2b 1 7 evenings 7bt 5295 nie csiimaccs iei uoi-743 61iS REG ELECTRICIANS MtC 21 Humor si M- iu utta Mnun i iiiu-iiiiii cre Ti 22 1744 £20 25 Ivy Drive Alkrlnuton ijomesnc umca overseas Manches- Tjrmsinn tvi I5" oaa PEDIGREE PRAM for sale: green: MOVING HOME Day or night LEVINES TAILORS Trousen Tapered ur a uavynuuns (circle vTOulme iidH-non 226 2844: Power "unit troni so: ALL TYPES nf KiHits Repaired Tel any DELIGHTFUL mod black S-str SetW RESTMOR PRAM: cherrv btai Mill Iliinnun 4 Alness Rd W'llut- "ir ii iiiiiruinin Mniuieion Ku removals: quii-kly ami cheaolv Tel "T'1 Puar- sis nn to SB: own materials tailored on Painting and Decorating shooping rray pillow and baby tl-iillie-ier lei 740 M873 ELECTRICAL SERVICES (Urouolitonl 2 Durham 'TreV tfSFVSKi wirn ttto matrnuMt rucking end khii-1 ihairs reversible niirg fur rii-liiiiiis unused nrrept £43 Trl tMtli: £15 Tel 784 ASOJ CARPETS EXHIBITION Cord (wiirmuin Alarm TWO PRINTING MACHINES: excel JONES: Reasonable Removals: fame chairs made as new TYPEWRITERS from £8: Hire £2 LT0 IS OUR PRICE tnr oOtt Fencing i -l erntiii Virreti1 avigitiou idi HuMilieiili 'mo a'time Piln Cini I- rr tl '1 lirs IILKSOII I 1 1 13IMI TUDOR DECORATING: dist i object 7 Ore-hard St 1iil 41 nuax lent condition £7 and £9 73 Lelgn u-uinan-s me Tel 79 iS4i 17 Hi UA uir i vans: experienred men local CiB month CARTER SEAT OX 12 A6 per sq yd Tremendous stocks SUPERB mml leak yeiieered Dining Ko-ui Bontlistnwn IVorslev BRIGHT ELECTRICS fjr ill kinds oi i OLdiicrr iiDiinrMiiiff mi vi i aictct cbli i ukMaa vat- iisjiKnaa iki nm TUDOR DECORATING dist u- objecl new (Jametina nntaslinallv low I i mn urn Miirnnari ronnn FOLDING PRAM and Matt res phis rr-s A M-a I CfOCWfl wnPWtTinnKrirfl A at I i ci if sjrssfl prices All Qualities: anv size or I na' tahle 4 blk npliKtrf rhalrs e-im rK' or small 1V1 STB EfTiB esB-avaMUass I 5Oil vot and vian bargain ac ca iei i urxiiuni nr IMds 44 0293 DEC 1st Class Davles 129 Ijiwton COLOURED ASPHALT FLOORS TKA 4'i iveimm- ION uO'Ju Bryan imiit td itij 'irvter Kd Mc 16 PLASTERING r'isnnalilc rlKirge 19-2 4311 slwp- Unique nation-wide mail I L4a- Mr Frd- 5a ny unie erinuites free fill Ovilev Uni1 HihuiaI tinor itu ti'n huh vf- CT GOLD BRACELET (new) with 6 service bamples estimates CLCLTRltlAN Pluns from £4 Unlit HURST WAREHAM int decorator ilia simi-nii ivFiiKniiimp Man i i hi imin im nn rsjisK- Heavy cbanms £45 ono Tel 9 Telephone RUS 4696 or Vynlde TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES i villi- i 1iiiiiiiiI Kd Flllow 14 1 -l 'J24 alter 6 n-wiiw Clli'iip (fitlllKrleS as u-uigie ku sue is mis pap'rd 428 6081 sent by return Warehouse open I VACUUM CLEANER BARGAINS 9 am to 6 pm Mon-Sat Callers Hoover Minor and Tools £7 welcome SAPPHIRE fDeot MX) I Llextmlux and £5 OSBORNE'S REMOVERS STORERS iiiimra SOJ NE3 O'JlA ihir f'rn KifSTlS top discounts: aiso pick oi useo INDUSTRIAL 96K Stand and nKTBW STONE FIREPLACES eMne Garden irt-e--" or wnte: Mr niiUunliaii 5: Ashurst Road Pool Hall Man iliester 22 or t-l PEN 5527 wiii1 macnines: lull guarantee a-b evans decorating painting Tel v-iaremont Rd Kusnoime Mc 14 Pu 324 1464 and 3 Chapel 6t Cheadla fTel GAT 51 51 meal perfect £30 ono Knitmaster 302 as new plus tuition £46 Tel 748 infill Hi iConlidili' KU Craven Road Ealing London 5 1 4 Oldham Rl New Cross Mc lelephone 01-567 1894 £1 PAINT £1 PAINT Emulsion Gloss i iirti i max cromtord court rei 832 7187 128 AInewprHl Rd Bury Tel 764 IKINDERSLEGH LTD havrv secured 3317 dl Monica Cir MC 19 PAINTING DECORATING 0i areas ie nn i- i in -ju 4J3 T69D HictanMBie laMIB asaaal Mall Iah I I a wrv lirn of tnr Mio ROOFS anil Gutters Cnmder 26 Ren GOOD QUALITY NEW CHLDS EMICRATIMB ns unviKR Anort a ts I REUPHOLSTERY bv Rraobdal flnhnl Glazing ii-i jz £301 uexane 84 Clllinlnaham Rrl UanrhKlar 11 ana unaenoat an £1 per gallon: all the latest shades at Traffnm Paint Co 81 Baby Street Moss Side lust off GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY in nili wiy l)isliuime Trlepuoue WEAR lHutM counters DutDliv Double fclepnant and Antiquarian plan cabinets High Legh Hall High Be sure tn contact Kan-tann tunnm uYjaury ana estimaang PAINTING ft DECORATING: arst-class i-n b--inj or i3iu Cablneta etc best offer aoctd Tel Latex backed Carpeting in 3 widths Q71h IliU ul Cf1 i rnnrrw no it-s nn tne S4 Bos milts iegn rei lymin 2417 TROUBLE FREE Double Glazing we icnn we carry an excellent range of materials Tel 061- Bno uoy tor tree estimate Bcaia House Holloway Circus Binning- POINTING Brickwork Roofing woi-k: nuuMiies painted tror £20 Walker 7 Ark St Salfoid 7 Tel 93 SILVER CROSS Naw'white PRAM: 54fn at 226d yd IF YOU ISINGER ELECTRIC Sewing Macnines GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY COME I hem gather zip darn etc: £15 uaiu 1 iovo Terence St Nevvto? Hmi" NEW BUNK BEDS de Luxe full size: ot mewton Heath M'C 101 snrino Tnreriart Ladders arc: bar- nniMi esiiiniltes tree M-y tn Sniilli St M'c 12 J73 5250 ALL TVES rouvcrfcions extensions: niattreas tray £12: Navynvtiite Carrycot and Stand £310: Pram LEAVE THE WORRIES TO tlB TO BELGRAVE WAR! HOUSES LTD I cnmpiete: aemonstrarions at Bambers rAiraiiNb a DECORATING done Khiiftohill SfinekMtar 41 ni neirnT iu saiiora 1 HA 1246 iiiiiiiuiaciure ana lustau nermeticauy sealed units Into existing frame guaranteed 10 yisirs free estimates and advice PENNINE Double Glaz-ini Co Manchester Road Trt 6830 061-643 028b Obl-bSl 6991 -i I gam £23 deliver Robins 973 Biiz nr ana cxt tree est wr'gnta 10 Removals at a moderate price: dist anre and amount no problem Tel 6eat 15- 2 Birch St Ashton-u Jjvne Mi-ti-r lluiliters' I ediTittnn awr 20 TauHniana 8A4 AX7X On en daiiw Mill COST PLUS 10'ri Televisions Radios "telev 1'lrtre Altrinchai Tel aorr rurnishings 6 pm Late nignt Thursday till 8 pm I Fridges in firt almost anything elee FITTED CARPETS at a saving of up to 25 on normal retail prices: V4u hi 77 anytime Wilson 195 BABY BUItCO BOILER £5: two UD1-9JS OU03 ji-u-s iiwt'iis Laburnum Ave Mviu'oil lei '94 we ai i piin ill DiocK xtooa xuacKiey F'RST-CLASS EXTERIOR Decorating any make supplied Showrooms Slid It maVMftaMa 0MVTT1 VVHW 5 In) -Watt Dimplex Contractor Heaters £3 each: aH as new Tel JFT DIVANS £919'6 comp: 4ft Alt) SH5 POINTING Knolinn 1'rop Repair no iililiiitum: lilMiure no objivt Mr aauai I DOiMIT A MOVE (local long- STRETCH SUITE COVERS bv RhfKv-Mr Manchester and Wilmslow NORTH I TKrt: WMimvearl rurewnr notm: w-rr ast mvi 740 1642 distance or overseas) on til you've dixtance or overseas) onrll cnu'va Hoover Service wnncn erairiiires tree 2'VeniJ Wentworth Ave Tiinperley Tel 980 7233 after 6 pm vivans rioio comp nunic neos SINGER ELEC PORTABLE Sewlnn ufc siiiiirnr anv Sllifj tmm I SOLID OAK SIDEBOARD 4 Dfn i-ei-i 4:1 nuinviy Hnmiley Tela- teiepnonea Kicnardson'a 980 5225 RICHARDSON'S Lynwood Gr Sale iz m- hv Miliar i £819'6d also Caravan Seat Comra lT" Wilmslow Z4208 any time CaH in onr Streb-h CowrSneSaHSt SINGER ELEC Portable Sewing Mach for free advice Don't 7ig-xags buttonholes overlocks sips telephone no" vriSlLr hems etc: all attach: accept £10: 3 -seat" 5w ciilnufsV £254Mt J-i si' ZTZZZ -i HLrBL? AUTHORISED HOOVER SERVICE tsrao ix ik Heated storage facilities I Chairs Bureau Bookcase all srmtching: £30: Oak Gateleg Table £7 9 Oakmoor Rd Wrthenbhive M23 iiiiill- -ll 3il MODERN WINDOWS ft DOOR MiiMiiiil an) tiit-l tnnn I'A'IU also -Miliuli-s nut -tonii iio-liis from 'III UN Vlknli ill ivwii 11 f'JU- Hnm rmfjnl Cottane ConvTtibli- LEA PAINTING CONTRACTORS iiivrlor im- exterior exterior from £J0 unwinls n-liible 3S Green l-ine lMtrii nvft KCC 354 atW inline --11- a tMn i miianc 07 ctiipel street Siliord 1 eli-Phoiie 834 3511 FAHEY'S World Wide Removals: Suites £36 terms nossible: will brfna to show Ixpnndeii tnil 14 ixn-inuen imii 1 crwiNC MlfHINrc iji Telenhnne Mr Mvers 76fi 6204 small or large lots: grand piano specialists first-class packing and st-'rago facilities by experts at reas ri i0 pm 748 0095 pit Itivui Olilhiiu IiM 1134 JIO' wXllrinclmm District 980 4660: wffS )Vh rilVV Bolton 51038: ldhim 624 3813 Rm-h-lale 41049: r- ui I WHY NOT BUY YOUR TIMBER FIRE SURROUND: unused: 48in teak (uiiicit wr vdDiner rviaKins midland decorating company all over Antmn ures 1 io: stvi! 1 "i on 0V1- Rncrkinq Suites £48 Deep BlitMmed KT'e "i Bla Airskin Suites" £6 lO-tu-Iiion inivJ iJ) 5 Bmcatelle £66 Corner I nit mhi-s Xw--na Tele- £72: Saikll- Ann llaleskin £: ai'isirfc jr Antron Saddle Xnn £'J9 and labu- "'1 lMi'7" i-t-ii pl-nns nnoted iiieisured drlit-er-l raies l-io Heaur "luce MC 14 sueivea etc: bargain: £12 del Hobim 973 5112 and Chipboard at competitive prices hIso Hard hoard Plywood Panels Decorativf Boards sheet materials iir inferior and estenor piiiinn and Tel 224 6568 748 2124 and 4S2 tl't-nritfiii: tiuilitv wxtrK milistic DORMER CONVERSIONS LIMITED Mi-i iiH-iH in iol I t'OXVI KSIONS es'imiis tre wiiliout oblinauon Miiiiiiiii-iii urks sunuel Street ott 'id Koiil l-'ail-iworth 681 1221 oil i TOY 4106 pnrisi 13 Leopold Awnin' West YOUR OWN CARPETS titled ami re-lilted: ilsti rirnet Kiipulied SpiMmry 3 Kii-knam fliise Dentnu oib 4to0 DEPOSIT wlrti 23 years to pay Brand New Philips Snow Oueen 5 1 ft REFKKiERATOR: list prl'e iTfi -a loi ti 1 1 and DIY goods from Tennisons Warehouse Moor Street Wilmstmv 2425 ntrr: nn ohligntioi) iJiiismin 11 ao Tel 44S 3989 le 64i 74f 11 NE si Onltl am tune tnr uetnb: 1 trav-i nne upi irnu'v tjuuen 11 A A I FREE ST REI CMr a 1 Road Rnsholme Tel 224 2 Removals and Storage: local-f ih- ER ano t-'unaia cali rilM-ount on own colleetions distance-overseas modern pantech- JV 't warmth ot FREE CONTINENTAL HEADBO irons: l-illo4 mnrfnt I llOlue LOnafOrd tirinn Hi' I 1 nb 1 Road Rnsholme Tel 224 nicons: skilled ctasr EADBOARD -w 1 uuiw Jin ntn CENTRAL HEATING wirli oie nf Hin Kinar i4 hU i Abt)tt 428 7480 day ev 748 OUTSIDES PAINTED IMMEDIATELY: Leaded Lights RISING DAMP Mewl mirv in-it unv: 30 I IF UiMUTi 'Hi 14 irom £1K: nrst-clasK finish numerate! miirii amrt wirn earn mmirrn urvan Diircnnseo: fniilon ChirPps? appointed any distance Troy 2S Rj-dal piuii'h ttis- nt trnx iiiMnmtoe members Curtain ami 90 500 wnoe of materials and types:) Ta 1- civlT: I J30nIon stretch cover! over nnn vnrH iriMt 1 60: Gmlty heerl Uerrnc Slirint over £3000 worHi ordered at ina mini leave your heating requirements to 'tie experts: oil ias or solid tllel Id wart Hejinq eiire 418 Bill! Ro'aa Man nester Iei 74ft fim HIITiMI Sun Hilll11 Iv-ulvVI uiwi uenmn ici 000 3 185 aahvr rour assurance of satisfaction Write 609 Stretfoni ice of LEADED WINDOWS bv CRArT SALEN -OVA1- LrAD co Brighter Homes Exhibition also sold ii aervice rt-iuiM hh ln -lest-r 'leIiwiniH "40 bJOo Road Manchester 16 Telephone HOOVER A ELECTROLUX Relm if REFRIGERATORS ON RENTAL CASH OR HIRE PURCHASE Vertical and Chest Deep separately Continental Headboard Manufacturer 869 Oldham Road Aiacnine £63: Botae coolers £5 Houstnns Gerald Road Salfurd 6 Tl 736 2262 ANTIQUE JACOBEAN Writina Bureau oak height 55in width 28n: float ThV sy terms lMlnfl 'Fwrtjire'' 4j (uide Ln AudrnsliV Abll 4821 TV Repairs ran- ij Q1U3 any time M0TXG? RLG PICKF0RDS Vn- lein-rs troin £6 10: fully giwi: P-irt exhiinne welimie Ilulmes Xr SlKlO 4 fjilslle St SliM-Lnr TI- EXTENSIONS iirvm Vnm lwu siiiranr at 061-748 T'STaf nain jri hud 9u 0 RECONDITIONED DFFTH FHFET-FRS 1 ir I'ur-s nid Alter Dions: rsimvs who will ca anTtrtiX' I fully guaranteed from £19: Food Contact your local PlrWfonls num Get fng fr-nt brasss handles bobbin turned legs: £8: no dealers 48 Lansdowne St Hurdafleld Xfacdes- NO-DEPOSIT TV: BHC 2: Imm atten Mil Mr Riiikii-ill Tel qisi int irfrtie ri tt' mi I I Metal Work mi Freezers Frozen Food Displays Fu rn ou 6flats and nouses Cold Rooms Service Cabinets iva-e-iinae priies open moo tn write: LONGFORD wrvtfi Hijrtrri arrongno ar o- in tne savings 11 IV KfwiiJ" CHOICEI Vr Wilson a am to nm an estimate we move or store com FAILSWORTH OlSTt same serr iinin uinmn plete homes Sin ale artieles una II lots neui tj 5 SO: tale nioni TIiiin anl 11 liiral in Till riiMftine- nvm InH Iiii'rtiiiiils mir spxiilnv 1 HilriiiV J'ii-rs jh MiMi Ksient Rd rlt iM-i -nm mii iv Mr lei SSI L'4Xit UOI'MS 0311 too big or too small Write or phone Vacuum flaina Pm: I HOME beei Freew Sumlies T- tilinen 03 UOOie St tRl 5331 7S6 6S52 PRESTWICH BURY etc -AVlM AN' 21 Ookwrtl Driv Burv SWINTON DIST: same night rrvii-e Ail fvL- RPTW-J' Brochures iivib ri-DlNc CO Enoch Mc 10 205 4474 480 5093 Jiijoklieid Sf-ooiHi-lItfrni Iiirnluie Siirx-rmirke Hrvil Oak Bretverv' ''Kiir St Stnrkpirt 4XIJ 3'rr4 1 OS ii KreaU 7 la Rn nT Ri Afalteb I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaanaaaii 1 I 10 Gpowrnor St Chorirnn-OB-f(inark 66 lb Lamb Cliops 46 lb: full TO LL P-I-Yl'iiihuiisfs we ODetut' ACE VALUE In rebuilt Vac n-ctmim Minnie 1 1 tiuuer uj 4990 sitincnrsrrr aii i i nriiT1 97Hsi i nauvER hidaioc in Display counters and maovvs BRmSIT AUTOMiVTIC REFRIGERATORS LTD 346 Dickenson Road Manchester 13 M13 ONG Telephone 061-224 5784 range 0 Meats tc Vegetables insi4i seivLv for all your purpose 68 Tel FAMOUS SADDLE ARM SUITE Three-pee Suite brand new unused oenuina black leathercio'h deep buttoned throughout fulii' upholstered: casgr glide casters: In the shops at over £150 for quick sale will accept £85: can deliver Td Mrs Lever 368 5099 Plumbing and Heating lemi a- quiraneel h'lme trfil Call ne telvnhnna in 223 Sill Hulme and Salfon': quick service York Flem Vnrk At flr TalanKnna AlllJBA nTTB If I fiat A iin-utrtiiin VUlaOU dXJO' I 10 I -TV a a pn-put-Kea ami laneuea tor your Treeier Also Freezers on rental low deposit Hennins 789 6652 JiMierv reqiiin-ments: Stiirties 4 840 2902 Stretford tc Umwton: any CMkficHd Koaci AHnncham Telcptionel Mi Portland Stiwt Mr 2M ns2u Open all day Saturday 'Over 39 years keeping your Vac happy) j- "I'T 'auiisiay maminns 480 5911 VVa-DalO AfWWa or" uers low av- M-'c PRESTWICH Nth M'c 20 1923 Waste Disposal rH'-i'f Mill Waterloo CENTRAL HEATING' A pLuMiima' 4sn nii tti uis i'tsii rsiiit fkiTT SAN DOR FITTED FL'RNTTLTtE CLNIKE: huge selection of well-known mnkes to choose from plus SALE A Wvrhenliatve 881 any BREWER TURNBULL RUBBISH REMOVED A 1 armor 290 Holler ei-suu Mr Bum JsindVhill "itf- Tl 740 BT4rt anil Double Puzzle wuir ion rjecs York av jic No 143 Carpet and Lino Fitting 980 6765 Tele-Rite Repairs: aiy rime ALBrHSUUMOLJD-rLUM''W AND rnu riuuo or 4- in tne OFF Call or send for FREE BROCHURE to Flm Square Whiteuetd Tel 166 4707 Late night Thursday until 8 pm nuau Mc lm 88j 6G30I iwnow koiu tiancneste-' 13 224 7151 Tele-Rite Repairs lirytime Ml Bjrlmr RaiI Imeii 10 CRYPTIC CLUES FITTED vil rintted trnm iv KHV vl-'l rORD 7 iRl ran tun 5811 diy night Home -Services jn-r i imh'i-'s setvn: 1:1 ii-m Trl Mr Pivies Tin 7510 any Nm li Oiktti 11 Pr I Wury ETTER Oil-flrrd Central Hufina kI 41 unerron industrial i L-cal apt iliUiim Intiii (HtMtina) Co 7-'URK WHITEWOOO ft VENEERED Bedrm I umiTure 4 in the OF rhe MSTON 748 7241 Prompt Service ACROSS 1 Standard features of many thorouch- You can choose either the ey Quick pusxle or the harder Crypfic on this diagram But you cannot do both at he answers are not the same I lion with shin Xi'-j" 'rey Alderlet Koai Uix 011 s-VNDOR PLN: all leading makes' Carpet Cleaning WTRSi a weciality Te iECCLES kvul eng IP TV i23 3916 4 lines) 1 HVl 10 789 iJ16 REMOVERS AXD ST0RERS Free booklet and advice on the rose of taking your home overseas: countrv wide part load services Depots at Kriahton Bournemouth Bristol Birmingham Manchester Blackpool Preton and Glasgow BREWER TURXBULL LTD The Valley Estate Commercial Road Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 4LY Tel (H31-4S3 1424 est 10 224 8872 Rusliobne A dit: UvcU eng to cnoo-e irom rei or call Tor fuj details of the Candor Plan 6 Lap-winq Lane West Dfdsbury Tel 443 0655: and 1 Higher Lane Whfte-fi'-ki Tel 766 6679 Late night Thursdsy until 8 pm 110 Willi free SPEED HEATING 061-681 J6I6 061-bSl J616 69J Manrhestrr Road Hol'inwood SERVICEMASTER 1 'P" 1 lild I ein-M a Mom- or Otlice Id Of 1--1 4 5 -J30M II Kiiiisrir l-ve SO "'Vi-del by 61 Mininn tiirers 1 i nnvn 11111 xi IO irtct IV Town Hall i- 10 RADIOGRAMS TV 740 3375 Midu-! RTS 102 Cleonie St 8 STOCKPORT ra-t 22 5833 Burke 17 sirtisle CI jmlu'l rares lt-5i 9 Sister who stays jn a singular state i3i 10 Those chosen rode with rhe conductor (9 11 Insist on only what is right? (5 13 Jack Brown's popular jn Chimney Sweep UPHOLSTERY MANUFACTURER otters o-pre SLTI ES direct to the public at trade prices: 5-srater fully upholsered suite expanded vinyl cover deep buttoned bark matrhing seat cushions easy olide castors normally sells at over £80 will accept £35 part exchange welcome: STOCKPORT Dist STE 5030 Home OtTerton Industrial Est lu-l or nis ki: prir oiI lWlilll5V Aitr0RD' nisli L't 1110 lei S-04 I 3 WM Washing Machine Repairs! examination iC-V? MVrtP 41 estimate IMPERIAL REPAIRS Orme 52 Nor- wiu nnng to snow ana deliver Tel Mr Dee 881 8542 evenings and 224 4529 dav 3ti Home services 40 OMerton Industrial I joaj agt DENTON 223 5111 anytime Belle Bunisg same Hecs York Av-- M'e Mil- 40i miilti element qoo1 aain: rimii lira-ilia now oav rottina iiik tr j-niswoi-rfi art so 1 ivi iii- jreis for your homenr tr -1 Jr'v rarr applies WASHER REPAIRS an ken Tel QUICK CLUES ACROSS 1 Ruling till 9 Single '3 10 Specific i9 11 Male duck 5 13 Correspondence (7 T4 Lure :6 16 Oration 6 18 Compunction I7i 19 Blackboard support (5) 20 Disentangle (9j 21 Colour (3 1 22 Unthankfulness (11) DOWN 2 Regret 3 Evade (5i 4 Deaden sound 16) 5 Unceasing (3 4 6 Dignity i9i 7 Unfeeling '4 7) 8 Tenant 111) 12 Robot 19 aiaar 1 I Dental Repairs I iij-deposit lnin terms vvrlte or ft 11 any tim o20 6542 445 3307 JiiTies Electrics 42 St James Road SUfonl 7 am 1 LIMELIGHT SPACEFITTA FItt-d Robes Abjac and Home-charm Main Stockits Scotland (7) Time when all assets were frexcis (3 3i 16 Discovers Eastern secret agents (6 II Inane is another way of Woodworm and cryrot can cause exptnsiv KEYMATIC SPECIALISTS: tel 223 iwiwaic jMrMt Division Peter I ffreet Minchestcr M' 3RD Tel 061 -gTS 33 1 3 BUILT-IN BEDROOM FLTLNTT LT Beautify Your Home with SPACE- damage to your Dronartv Mine day ervio rrey AMerlev RoaJ 1 ixron Telephone 74S 7241 JOHN GARRIDO Radio TV tame-dav senr Trl call 322 Hyde Rd Gorton ARD 2341 643 66C3 aft 6 TELEVISION REPAIRS until II pr Jrc et Berkert WYT 4431 4 Mirer Ave With 22 WHILE-U-WAIT Del IM 493 WHILE Grklf' VVrll LE-U-W4IT 4- 41s next Minrti -t-r CVrii--rii Pctifi LVIivcn' 1VI 834 MCj Pe unless diagnosed and cured -til moat 570 1557 681 9112 most makes serviced or repaired Household Electrical Appliances 498 Gorton Lane Gorton Mc 18 HOOVER Hotpolnt RoKs a'l makes Keymatic specialists ail diats: ests free: 12 months' guarantee Home Appiance Services Greyhound Works wF I i i Tnr rillA by LIMELIGHT free expe-dsigning and planning available: ere your msfn stockists: ONE-D FITTING SERVICE LATE NIGr THLRSDAY TILL 8 30 PM BLI IN FURNITURE CENTRE 7 Ford Lane Pendleton (side of Pendleton I Church) Tel or call 756 5711 Wb can examing the timbers in your home and give you a free estimate entirey without obligation -uttirif this 7i different names for a minister's house 1 5 1 DON! In your horr- or a Bents Lane Stockport 450 5191-1 HIGH-SPEED GAS iv ct TRAl- HEA UNO With Guamnterd Warmth All ttpes of Boilers installed All systems designed to IHE statidart! iNO DEPOSIT riiiince arransed 1 to 10 years Write to HEATING Work Depot I 162 Holland Sv Manchester 10 or Tel J05 5302 608 2432 SERVICr AXMLABtE FOR ALL INSTALLATIONS vay Kaaiorv Ser-vlces Tel any time 226 3685 14 Great Western Street 16 20 Sid cheats perhaps COMPETITIVE RATES CEFEflRED TERMS 20 YEAR WRfTTFM CIIBfrre and CRYPTIC SOLUTION TO CR0SS- also 16 Legh 5're Warrington foff Sankey Street) Tel WA 30369 Late Refrigeration punrsnen iyt Ms mMsiwtitlSE 7 1 kll- WUKU ASKU3S I I MISS a 15 Bearer 7 nignt rendieton only COL 4990: DAY NIGHT er-RVrrw 77 lllucanl 9 radians 10 Fitlv II IT Leave 16) DOMESTIC REFRIGERATORS repaired 1 POn beiOW Ophont Home TV 5J Hillier Street Mc 9 ir scar-asscrs ill) Dis-heritil 1J Batira 15 Accrue (5) juiimj: saaie aay service ac iisf-ktnusi dBal Ic-wn Ha'' to isfll amu KINDERSLEGH LTD has selected "7 AERIALS -ftukl 17 Empty protest 20 Crown 21 21 Concealed (Jj DOWN l-cense 22 Refusinc 23 625 VHF aerial to r-e-iv DEEP FREEZE CENTRE Domestic LIVERPOOL shop and Factory Eautnme-r reoairsl 051-709 3232 what it considers to be tae finsst value today in The lea evsensivs ai channels en 625 lie: all materials included in price oeW £6 12 mtlis flujr 4rm I--- and maintenare 89 Manch-ster Rd LLAIMDUDIMO T7KM -aage Of OFFICE FURNITURE Install Xow Pay Later and In "fceir many thousands of WOODWORM DRY ROT? RISING DAMP? PEST CONTROL? Call in ETOXIN Ctsiin specialists tint h4 tun if experience in combating these threats ti a building's structure and io the control of every type of pest from redents te insects For a comprehensive report together with recommended treatments without any obligation whatever pleas house Ln 22 S9J sifli or 998 7216 3104 2 Not up to 100 mph? DOWN: I Matadors 2 Sides 4 3 Not inclined to build (5' Lassos 5 Unfair choice 6 Outwear 4 Not a musical score 6 7 Yo-yo 8 Corner stones 12 5 Dresses at first the frows Meatless 14 Time off 16 Option weary tit 18 Ennui 19 Scar SATURDAY'S PRIZE CROSSWORD SOLUTION square feet can be seen extensive ni dues repaired ail makes: same cay em-e St Ja-es Tf! ftJO 654 or 445 3307 any time 42 St Jam's Rrf MiT'nr1 7 stocks of rommereial and ercutive niMiiiiiViMHi)riiiiijj fcaaaaaaataaaaal' I lli ALL MAKES REPAIRED: tecc-ad iryin rime tor a beginner (9 CRYPTIC SOLUTION to CKOSS llfARM 4A tntka a a fpJoes trom £10 siiitialrs "05 7 What is left (11 ALL DISTRICTS TV REPAIRS ONLY Weilinatan sr t-rnn it's Qna ST QUICK' SOLUTION TO CROSS- oerona- day: 22 1741 rlssse ssx o-s of vcur rforaaanutivaa 8 Ooggedness is derived from its presence ill 12 They're a Mend of the main iiyv appOiTOnsnL I 1 W0R0 ACROSS I Sewn 3 7 Arem' Toddler 10 Long Acquired 9 Propose 10 Defer 11 ihot' 11 HjrP' 13 Recipe KING I with HEATSWAYS LIMITED Offices and Showrooms 17S-1S2 Bury New Road Wh-teSeld Telephone 766 2434 biume hours 766 4383 anytime Asi to' detal-s of our sLPFR SlAIMli FINANCE SCHEME installations completed in summer Psvrceacs do not commence until ne winter I Exurtina loans on all boiler conversions ANYTIME INCL SLNDsY loan ee were necessar The Nursery Nse tree races contact 15 Proverbially ifs not an indication Highland reel 13 Refund 15 Blithe Reserved 21 d-sk tables filing cabiners ctiDboards plan cabir: canra tibies sta-fcins chain folding rsblss -eH et: KLVDERSLEGH LIMITED is probably tat lariest rroaniaatioR fn the connrrv solely han-liing office drawing office and ranteen furniture from Government D-9armenr crocks Indud'ng solid oik inlaid office tabTes cta-rs cap-boards Kardex cabinets pi act csbi-ns drawing-board outSis canteen tabt'e and chairs and misceRantous f-tns too nuaaeroos to list Premises are tn 'he couitrsr witn parking ad HIGH LEGH HALL HIGH LEGH Telephone Lymm 2417 Cceed noon Saturdays WRITTFV I Address RADCLIFFE'5 56 St'kpor' Kd ARD or goto 171 17 Combinations Z0 Umbo 21 aarnesr 44 wense Zi By mn4 ETOXIN LIMITED noous Aprons all pram ars io Servu-e riil TO nn IU0 ork Avenue MatLhester I PRAM HOODS and Aorons recovered I 17 Time to make things palatable E'eor 22 Sunshade 23 Onus arge- DOWN: 1 Drown 2 Transept DOWN 1 SippNrCf Wronj 19 Either wiy its a mode of Cleans 5 Underclothes 6 Reflect 7 3 Notion 1 To-do 5 OHejiw 6 29 Washway Road Sale Cheshire M33 lAOi Telephone 061-973 0793 TsLHs 223 5111 ilt rf Col 290 £wn ncnie Tel Coliarf' 1 TyM kiM ww Vel R4nV VfiTI C'etfL-- ion Ms sf Urn address ifi Dare 8 Polling booth 12 Censures laiior-maoe nop la chief 12 ntrttcd He bo 14 Footman 16 Indeed 18 Often Lavender 14 Clearly 16 Dental 9) A a)J IA Vfaataa-as I 19 Venue 20 Lea evening and weekends 45 4130 Jl One may be catted it (3 19 Plus.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.